Showing posts with label Al Franken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Al Franken. Show all posts

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Bye Bye

Senator Al Franken, famous champion of women's rights and the progressive cause is resigning from the Senate because he lost his way in a seething labyrinth of lust. Bye bye, Franken. How we'll miss you, except that we won't.

Top Democrat Al Conyers has had to go too because he couldn't resist that good ol' grab 'em instinct, seeing as how he's a great champion of women's rights and all. Bye bye, Al. 

And guess what, taxpayers got to settle the bill for these two leftist, sex-crazed power mongers. But that's just two of our holier than thou, millionaire socialist elite hypocrites. 

What about Groper Biden, Matt Lauer and all the rest. Do you remember their outrage at Donald Trump's unreconstructed heterosexuality, especially Matt "Cock of the Rock" Lauer's? Bye bye, Matt. 

How many more massively wealthy socialists will lose their heads to the new puritanism they've endorsed; how long will it take for the worm to eat itself. 

Before, during or after their globalist, NWO dupe cabal disintegrates under the weight of crushing debt and sheer, unalloyed corruption? Don't say Al Sharpton.

Wishing you the best on the Feast of St. Ambrose,


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Old Sham-Sham-Shimmy

It's not easy, trying to put the image of sinister Charley Rose doing the old sham-sham-shimmy (thanks LL) out of your mind. Or the weirdly creepy Senator Al Franken, or Congresman Conyers, or Harvey Weinstein, or Disney's "Creative" Officer, or Kevin Spacey, or Bill Clinton, or... 

Weirdly Creepy

Any one of what seems like an endless stream of rich ruling elite celebrities and politicians being exposed for getting it on like rutting hogs. And guess what, if you're a member of Congress the taxpayer gets to fund your hush-hush settlement. Nice.

Lookin' Sinister Sharp, Congressman

What does it mean, that we've become morally unglued at the top tier of society? Sure looks that way and if the head's rotten, what luck for the rest of the body. Not much but who knows, perhaps reform's possible and we'll see some nooses on lamp posts down the Mall as the swamp's drained. Perhaps.

In the meanwhile, I'm off to check on the workforce and see if the fish are biting in the lake.

God bless,