Showing posts with label Assange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assange. Show all posts

Monday, January 29, 2018


Years ago, back in the halcyon days when the world was young and UKLF still had county regiments, I was praying, intensely, before the Sacrament. It was before an ecumenical service with local Baptists in Reading, England. 

My Father, rest in peace, was praying beside me. He was part of the service, maybe "guest preacher," and he looked at me, locked in white knuckle prayer effort and said, "Don't you believe in grace?"

Sheepishly, I replied that I did and relaxed.

We filled that church on the night with hundreds of people, it was packed. The Baptists pulled out of the project later because there was a statue of Virgin Mary in the church. Such idolatry!

Make of this what you will.

Gratia plena,


Friday, August 18, 2017

Is Putin A God?

According to Sputnik he may well be.

Unlike all these characters, Putin... is omnipotent and omnipresent, moving unseen and appearing without warning, performing a variety of evil deeds and vanishing without a trace.

Sputnik certainly has a point but evil deeds? Like stopping Hillary from getting elected and doing so without any sign or proof of doing so. Pretty godlike, for sure, but evil? Hardly.

Speaking of which, you may have noticed that the faked-up Russian hacking frenzy has mysteriously died down only to be replaced with a new frenzy, statue smashing. That's obviously worth far more air time than, say, the insignificant news of Debbie Wasserman Shultz's IT aide getting indicted.

Could it be that shadowy Russian double agents within the very fabric of the US intelligence community are conspiring, yet again, to expose Democrat corruption; all thanks to the sinister machinations of the Kremlin's godlike strongman, Vladimir Putin himself?

Who knows, maybe Mr. Assange will finally put the so-called collusion story, sorry, lie, to bed. Thus proving that it was Putin all along who thwarted Hillary's ambition to be the most powerful woman in the world. No proof is clearly proof itself.

In the meanwhile, Gettysburg isn't removing Confederate monuments, inspiring ISIS everywhere to persist in its reign of savage terror.



Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Genius of Donna Brazile

How did DNC chairwoman, Donna Brazile, get town hall debate questions from CNN ahead of time? Good question, Megynne Kelly, let's see how Donna explains it, in her own words:

"As a Christian woman, I understand persecution. Your information is false. What you're -- well, for suggestive e-mails were stolen. You're interested and you're like a thief that wants to bring into the night the things that."

Got that? Then, just to hammer her point home, Donna finished off the segment by telling Megynne:

"Go to Russia."

Now we know. Megynne Kelly is a Russian saboteur in the service of the Red Spymaster, Julian Assange, attempting to destroy and persecute the gospel Christian citizenry of the Democratic National Committee.

Well there's genius, and there's genius. But Megynne Kelly, a saboteur? That's a different story.

Your Old Pal,


Monday, October 3, 2016

Guilty As Sin

That's our Hillary! I hope the author has 24x7 protection, he just might need it.

Assange is apparently out of range, for now. But what will Wednesday bring?